Feature #1: Allocate Space

Implementing the "Allocate Space" feature for our "Operating System" project.


The first feature we need to build will identify the contiguous sub-processes that can be replaced with an incoming process of size n. In this scenario, we have p running processes numbered 1 through p in our system. We allocate memory to these processes contiguously such that process 1 occupies p_1 MB, process 2 immediately occupies p_2 MB, and so on. We receive the contiguous allocations p_1, p_2, …, p_n as an array. An incoming process requires a contiguous chunk of n MB anywhere in memory. To allocate memory to this process, we can evict one process or a set of processes that occupy contiguous memory locations that once evicted free up an n MB amount of space collectively. Here, our task will be to find the total number of all possible subsets of currently running processes that together account for a contiguous allocation of n MBs of memory.

In this scenario, we will be provided with two inputs. First, we will be given a list of integers representing the size of ...