Feature #9: Finding Minimum Servers
Implementing the "Finding Minimum Servers" feature for our "Search Engine" project.
We'll cover the following...
For this search engine feature, we want to find the optimal server configuration to handle a given workload demand
. Workload demand represents the user query traffic coming into our search engine. Greater incoming traffic requires a greater number of servers. We have defined a way to measure workload (user traffic). Our server deployment consists of n
different types of servers. Each type of server is capable of handling a different amount of workload with workload handling capacities [c0…cn-1]. We want to determine the optimal set of servers to handle a specific workload. This set of servers must have a capacity at least equal to the workload. We would incur a fixed one-time cost of commissioning a server. We have such a large deployment of servers that you may assume an unlimited supply of all types of servers.
Deploying each of the server incurs a fixed one time cost. As the numbers of servers increase, the total cost of deployment does too. We want to find an optimal way to meet the total workload demand
by deploying the minimum amount of these servers.
Let’s suppose that we have three different servers with workload handling capacities {2,3,5}
. We can meet the demand 15
by using the following combinations of these servers:
We can solve the above problem using the Dynamic programming technique. First of all, let us define:
: minimum number of servers needed to meet the demand W using workload handling capacity [c0…cn-1].
Please note that this problem has an optimal substructure property. In other words, we can create an optimal solution to this problem by creating an optimal solution of its sub-problems.
Dividing this problem into sub-problems:
Let us suppose that we have knowledge of where 1, 2 are the optimal capacities needed for demand and the last servers’ workload handling capacity is ...