Sudoku Solver

Understand and solve the interview question "Sudoku Solver".


Write a program to solve Sudoku by filling the empty cells. We will be given a 2D array representing a Sudoku puzzle. For a correct solution each of the digits 1-9 must only occur once in each:

  • Row
  • Column
  • Nine 3x3 sub-boxes of the grid

Let us take a look at an example:

To solve the puzzle, we will only fill the empty cells. Empty cells are represented by a ‘.’. The array will be passed by reference, so we will not need to return it after solving the puzzle.

Coding exercise

package main
import (
func SolveSudoku(board [][]byte){
Sudoku solver


While solving Sudoku, we will have to take care of two things. First, we place a number at an empty place. The number must not be present in that row, column, or sub-box. So, we will use constrained programming to keep track of which ...