

DIY: Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates Allowed

DIY: Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates Allowed

Solve the interview question "Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates Allowed" in this lesson.

Problem statement

Implement a set data structure that allows duplicates and can perform the following operations:

  • insert(data): This function should insert data into the set (if the set does not contain it already). It should return false if the data already exists in the set. Otherwise, it should return true.
  • remove(data): If the data is present, this function should remove data from the set and return true. If the data does not exist in the set, the function should return false.
  • getRandom(): This function should return a random element from the set in constant time.

Note: Your implementation should aim for constant running time (on average) for each operation. ...
