Training an ML Model

Build your first machine learning model in Azure.

Model overview

  • Dataset: We will use the classic iris.csv dataset as input. The dataset has six columns with various flower features. The model classifies them into one flower species.

  • Training model: We will use SVMSupport Vector Machine for classification in this lesson.

We need two critical components for running this job:

  • job.yml: This YAML file contains the parameters and input required for running the job.
  • This is the actual Python code to run.

The Iris dataset is almost like a “hello world” program for ML. Let’s look at the data definition. The file contains sepal_length, sepal_width, petal_length, and petal_width as the feature columns. The output column is a categorical attribute of the species name (Iris-versicolor/Iris-virginica/Iris-setosa).

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