Creating the New Project

Follow step-by-step instructions to create the project structure of the Ionic-react application.

Create a project

Now that you have seen what we are going to build, let’s dive in and get the project up and running.

Before you start any new Ionic project, make sure you are on the latest Ionic CLI. In the terminal of your choice, enter the command npm install -g @ionic/cli. If you are already on the latest version, nothing will be installed.

Next, run the command.

ionic start

When asked, select React as the framework. Next, supply the name of the project. I chose “a10dance.” Select the blank template for this one. We will be implementing a side menu, but I would rather have us build it from scratch. This way we will be cutting a lot less boilerplate code.

We will not be working with AppFlow, so answer no to connecting it to an Ionic account.

We can run the application above using the following command:

ionic serve

Run the above command in the provided terminal. Follow through the above-mentioned steps of project creation and observe the output.

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