Key Highlights

A quick summary of the core Ruby syntax used in our code examples.

Print out

Press + to interact
# print out text
puts "a" + "b"; # => "ab"
puts 1 + 2; # => 3
puts "1" + "2"; # => "12"
# print out without new line after
print "Hi"
print "Bob"
# the screen output will be "HiBob"
# print out joined multiple strings
print "Bye", " John" # => "Bye John"

Variable assignment

Press + to interact
total = 1 + 2 + 3; # => total has value: 6
average = total / 3;
puts average; # => 2
## print string with variable
puts "total is " + total.to_s
puts "average is #{average}"

Read user input

puts "type 'Hi'"
input = gets	 # => type "Hi"
puts input  	 # => "Hi\n"

## normally strip off the new line "\n"
input = gets.chomp  # => "Hi"

## read an integer
print "Enter a number"
num = gets.chomp.to_i
Getting input from user and converting it to an integer


Two boolean values—true and false

Use of if

Press + to interact
score = -70
if score < 0
puts score = 0 # no negative score

Use of unless

Press + to interact
score = -70
unless score >= 0
puts score = 0 # no negative score

Single line
