

Visual Studio and Packages Installation

Visual Studio and Packages Installation

Follow step-by-step instructions to set up the environment for Django web app development.

If you want to work on the app in this course or practice Django web development on your own machine, we recommend Visual Studio Code as an IDE. In this lesson, we describe how to set up your development environment once you have installed Visual Studio Code

Create project folder

Start by creating a folder where you would store all your project files. I named my folder EXAMPLE. Go to Visual Studio Code and open this folder by clicking on File, then Open. Inside that folder create another folder with the name of your project. I named this folder project.

Open the terminal window by going to Terminal, then click New Terminal. A new terminal will appear at the bottom of VS code. Make sure you are inside the first folder you created (EXAMPLE) by looking at the path in the command line. After you have checked this, go into the folder for your project (project) by issuing the cd command as shown below.

Virtual environment

A virtual environment (venv) helps us keep our individual projects relatively contained in order to avoid installing Python packages globally on our computer which might cause problems between ...