Solution Review: Convert Decimal Integer to Binary
This lesson contains the solution review for the challenge of converting integer values to their binary equivalents.
We'll cover the following...
Let’s analyze the solution to the exercise in the previous lesson.
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def convert_int_to_bin(dec_num):if dec_num == 0:return 0s = Stack()while dec_num > 0:remainder = dec_num % 2s.push(remainder)dec_num = dec_num // 2bin_num = ""while not s.is_empty():bin_num += str(s.pop())return bin_numprint(convert_int_to_bin(56))print(convert_int_to_bin(2))print(convert_int_to_bin(32))print(convert_int_to_bin(10))print(int(convert_int_to_bin(56),2)==56)
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