

Calculate String Length

Calculate String Length

In this lesson, you will learn how to calculate the length of a string using both an iterative and recursive approach in Python.

We'll cover the following...

In this lesson, we focus on the following problem:

Given a string, calculate its length.

If you are preparing for an interview or trying to understand the notion of recursion to solve a problem, I hope this lesson is helpful to you.

Python has a built-in len() function which returns the length of a string. This is the standard way to obtain the length of a string in Python.

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input_str = "LucidProgramming"

Iterative Approach

Now we are going to code the same functionality ourselves in Python. Let’s begin with the iterative approach.

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# Iterative length calculation: O(n)
def iterative_str_len(input_str):
input_str_len = 0
for i in range(len(input_str)):
input_str_len += 1
return input_str_len

On line 3, input_str_len is initialized to 0 ...