



What is a verb?

Verbs represent the action that is taking place in the sentence. Verbs are the center of a sentence because they are the only part that is required to form a sentence.

The different kinds of verbs are:

  • Transitive and intransitive verbs

  • Action verbs

  • Being verbs

  • Linking verbs

Transitive vs intransitive verbs

Transitive verbs are verbs that have a direct objectA direct object is a word or phrase that receives the action of a verb. For example: “I fed the cat.” In this sentence “the cat” is the direct object receives the action of “fed.” but do not have an indirect object. Intransitive verbs use neither a direct object nor an indirect objectAn indirect object is a word or phrase the receives the direct object. For example: “I made my friends dinner.” The indirect object is “my friends” because they are receiving the direct object “dinner.”. They are action verbs that are complete on their own.


  • Transitive verb: “I already cleaned the kitchen.”

  • Intransitive: “I went for a run.”

Action verbs

Action verbs, also called dynamic verbs, are ...

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