Indexing by Position

Learn about indexing by position in DataFrames.

We'll cover the following...

The iloc attribute gives us the ability to pull out rows and columns from a DataFrame. Here we pull out row position 1. Note that this returns the result as a Series (even though it represents a row):

Press + to interact
def tweak_siena_pres(df):
def int64_to_uint8(df_):
cols = df_.select_dtypes('int64')
return (df_
.astype({col:'uint8' for col in cols}))
return (df
.rename(columns={'Seq.':'Seq'}) # 1
.rename(columns={k:v.replace(' ', '_') for k,v in
{'Bg': 'Background',
'PL': 'Party leadership', 'CAb': 'Communication ability',
'RC': 'Relations with Congress', 'CAp': 'Court appointments',
'HE': 'Handling of economy', 'L': 'Luck',
'AC': 'Ability to compromise', 'WR': 'Willing to take risks',
'EAp': 'Executive appointments', 'OA': 'Overall ability',
'Im': 'Imagination', 'DA': 'Domestic accomplishments',
'Int': 'Integrity', 'EAb': 'Executive ability',
'FPA': 'Foreign policy accomplishments',
'LA': 'Leadership ability',
'IQ': 'Intelligence', 'AM': 'Avoid crucial mistakes',
'EV': "Experts' view", 'O': 'Overall'}.items()})
.astype({'Party':'category'}) # 2
.pipe(int64_to_uint8) # 3
.assign(Average_rank=lambda df_:(df_.select_dtypes('uint8') # 4
Quartile=lambda df_:pd.qcut(df_.Average_rank, 4,
labels='1st 2nd 3rd 4th'.split())
import pandas as pd
url = ''\
df = pd.read_csv(url, index_col=0)
pres = tweak_siena_pres(df)

In the next example, instead of passing in scalar position, we’re going to pass in row position 1 in a ...