Create and Update Discounts
Learn how to create and update the ticket discounts for an event using the Eventbrite API.
We'll cover the following...
The Eventbrite API allows the organization owner to create discounts on multiple tickets for one or more events. These discounts can appear on the event’s listing and during the checkout process or only during the checkout process.
Eventbrite provides four types of discounts:
- Public discounts: These discounts are only used for one event and are shown publically.
- Coded discounts: A secret code is used by the order owner to get a discount.
- Access code: It shows the hidden tickets using a secret code and may or may not contain the discount.
- Hold discounts: This discount is used for the seats on hold.
Create discount
To create a discount for a ticket (or tickets) for an event (or events) the following URL is used, which utilizes the POST
request method to call the API:{organization_id}/discounts/
The URL requires the {organization_id}
Request parameters
Some important input parameters to create a discount for tickets to an event are as follows:
Object | Type | Description |
| String | Type of discount; possible values are: |
| String | Code that will be used by the customer to get the discount |
| Float | Fixed amount discount that ranges from 0.01 to 99999.99 |
| Float | Percentage discount that ranges from 1.00% to 100.00% |
| String | Event ID for which the discount will be used |
| String [ ] | IDs of the ticket class on which we want to apply the discount |
| Integer | Indicates how many times the discount can be used |
| String | Start date of the discount when it is purchaseable |
| Integer | Time in seconds after which the discount is online |
| String | End date of the discount |
| Integer | Time in seconds before the event starts (when the discount sale will stop) |
| String | ID of the ticket group on which the discount will be usable |
| String [ ] | List of hold IDs that can be uncloked by this discount |
The event should be paid to create a discount on it. Let's create a paid ticket for the event we have already created.
const endpointUrl = new URL('{{EVENT_ID}}/ticket_classes/');const headerParameters = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {{PRIVATE_TOKEN}}','Content-Type': 'application/json'};const bodyParameters = JSON.stringify({"ticket_class": {"name": "Sample paid ticket","free": "False","cost": "USD,2000","capacity": "100","minimum_quantity": "1","maximum_quantity": "10","sales_channels": ["online", "atd"],"delivery_methods": ["electronic"]}});const options = {method: 'POST',headers: headerParameters,body: bodyParameters,};async function createTicket() {try {const response = await fetch(endpointUrl, options);printResponse(response);} catch (error) {printError(error);}}// Calling function to make API callcreateTicket();
After the paid ticket has been created, let's add a discount to it.
const endpointUrl = new URL('{{ORGANIZATION_ID}}/discounts/');const headerParameters = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {{PRIVATE_TOKEN}}','Content-Type': 'application/json'};const bodyParameters = JSON.stringify({"discount": {"type": "public","code": "educative5","amount_off": "5","event_id": "{{EVENT_ID}}","ticket_class_ids": ["{{TICKET_CLASS_ID}}"],"quantity_available": 5}});const options = {method: 'POST',headers: headerParameters,body: bodyParameters,};async function createDiscount() {try {const response = await fetch(endpointUrl, options);printResponse(response);} catch (error) {printError(error);}}// Calling function to make API callcreateDiscount();
- Line 1: We define the endpoint URL with
as the URL parameter. - Line 8–17: We set the
with the discount object details. - Line 25–32: We create a function,
, to make an API call using fetch and to handle any exception if it occurs. The custom functionsprintResponse
print the respective objects. - Line 35: We invoke the
We can see the created discount on the checkout screen as shown:
The discount code
we added can be seen on the checkout screen. In the first slide above, we can see two tickets, one with “Full Price” and the second with the “educative5” discount. Because we have added units of amount off on the original price, the “Discount: -$10” can be seen in the second slide for two tickets.
Response fields
The output of the above API call is a JSON object with all the details of the discount object created. It returns two extra attributes for discount, which are as follows:
Object | Type | Description |
| String | ID of the discount created |
| Number | Total number of tickets sold |
Update discount
The already created discounts can be updated using the discount ID. The following URL utilizes the POST
request method to update the discount:{discount_id}/
The URL requires the {discount_id}
. All other input parameters are the same as the ones we have used to create a discount, and it returns the updated JSON object of the discount.
const endpointUrl = new URL('{{DISCOUNT_ID}}/');const headerParameters = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {{PRIVATE_TOKEN}}','Content-Type': 'application/json'};const bodyParameters = JSON.stringify({"discount": {"code": "educative10","amount_off": "10"}});const options = {method: 'POST',headers: headerParameters,body: bodyParameters,};async function updateDiscount() {try {const response = await fetch(endpointUrl, options);printResponse(response);} catch (error) {printError(error);}}// Calling function to make API callupdateDiscount();
- Line 1: We define the endpoint URL with
as the URL parameter. - Line 8–13: We set the
with the updated values of the discount. - Line 21–28: We create a function,
, to make an API call using fetch and to handle any exception if it occurs. The custom functionsprintResponse
print the respective objects. - Line 31: We invoke the