

A Disassembly Example with Function and Stack

A Disassembly Example with Function and Stack

Learn how function parameters are passed via stack in the disassembly code and how parameters mismatch can result in defects.

Example of disassembled code with comments

Here is the commented code disassembly of the main function with memory addresses removed for visual clarity:

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stp x29, x30, [sp,#-48]! // establishing stack frame for
mov x29, sp // parameters and local variables
str w0, [x29,#28] // saving the first main parameter
str x1, [x29,#16] // saving the second main parameter
mov w0, #0x1 // setting the first parameter
// for arithmetic function
mov w1, #0x1 // setting the second parameter
// for arithmetic function
bl 0x4005e4 <_Z10arithmeticii>
str w0, [x29,#44] // setting the result local variable
mov w0, #0x0 // main should return 0
ldp x29, x30, [sp],#48 // restoring the previous stack frame,
// frame and link registers
ret // return from main

Here is the commented disassembly of the arithmetic function, with memory addresses removed for visual clarity:

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sub sp, sp, #0x10 // establishing stack frame for
// parameters and local variables
str w0, [sp,#12] // saving the first arithmetic parameter (a)
str w1, [sp,#8] // saving the second arithmetic parameter (b)
ldr w1, [sp,#8] // w1 <- [b]
ldr w0, [sp,#12] // w0 <- [a]
add w0, w1, w0 // w0 <-w1 + w0
str w0, [sp,#8] // [b] <- w0
ldr w0, [sp,#12] // w0 <- [a]
add w0, w0, #0x1 // w0 <- w0 + 1
str w0, [sp,#12] // [a] <- w0
ldr w1, [sp,#8] // w1 <- [b]
ldr w0, [sp,#12] // w0 <- [a]
mul w0, w1, w0 // w0 <- w1 * w0
str w0, [sp,#8] //[b] <- w0
ldr w0, [sp,#8] // w0 <- [b]
// return result
add sp, sp, #0x10 // restoring the previous stack frame
ret // return from arithmetic

We can put a breakpoint on the first arithmetic calculations address and examine raw stack data pointed to by the sp register:

gcc FunctionParameters.cpp Arithmetic.cpp -o FunctionParameters
gdb ./FunctionParameters

After executing and loading the program, we get into the GDB container and see the following output:

Press + to interact
Loading object code into GDB
Loading object code into GDB

We create the breakpoint of the programs with the break main command:

break main

The breakpoint is shown below:

Press + to interact
Breakpoint 1 at 0x734

Now, we run the program until the GDB breaks in:

set disable-randomization off

After running the program, it gives the breakpoint and starts the program’s execution:

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