Super Method

This lesson covers multiple use-cases of the super method in Python and how it makes inheritance easier.


As we discussed before, you can access the constructor and methods of the parent class in the child class using

ParentClassName.__init__(self, methodParameter)


ParentClassName.methodName(self, methodParameter)


This method tends to get confusing when the hierarchy has multiple levels because you have to remember the exact names of the parent classes and where to use them. An easier way to do this is by using the super() method.

The built-in super function allows the child class (or subclass) to access inherited methods of the parent class (or superclass) that have been overwritten in the child class.

According to the official Python documentation:

Super is used to return a proxy object that delegates method calls to a parent or sibling class of type. This is useful for accessing inherited methods that have been overridden in a class.

Using the super Function

The super method can be used in multiple scenarios.

Single Inheritance

We can use super in single inheritance to refer to the parent (or super) class or multiple classes without explicitly naming them. This is just a shortcut and helps make your code maintainable and easy to understand.

Multiple Inheritance

As discussed earlier, it is possible in Python for a class to inherit from multiple parent classes. You can use the super method for multiple or collaborative inheritance. This can be done only in Python because some languages do not support inheritance from multiple classes.

Note: super() is not limited to use inside methods. You can specify the appropriate references by specifying the arguments of the super() method.

In Python 3 and above, the syntax for super is:


Now consider the following code snippet where the Student class inherits from (or “is a”) Person.

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