

Testing Authentication Components

Testing Authentication Components

Follow step-by-step instructions to write test cases for the authentication components.

Testing forms in React might seem complicated, but it is quite simple when using Jest and the RTL. We will begin writing tests in the React project, starting with the authentication components. We’ll go over how to write a test for the “Login” form, and after that, we should be able to write the registration form test suite.

Testing the login form

For a better-structured code base, let’s create a new directory called __tests__ in the src/components/authentication directory. This directory will contain tests for the components in the components/authentication directory. Inside the newly created directory, create a file called LoginForm.test.js and add the following code:

Press + to interact
import { render, screen } from "../../../helpers/test-utils";
import userEvent from "@testing-library/user-event";
import LoginForm from "../LoginForm";
import { faker } from "@faker-js/faker";
import userFixtures from "../../../helpers/fixtures/user";
const userData = userFixtures();
test("renders Login form", async () => {