Deploy to Firebase Hosting

You have come a long way and have completed some really hard steps to get this far. There are many upcoming lessons that will improve your Firebase skills, but your chat app is good enough to publish. This lesson walks you through the steps it takes to make your app live.

Install the Firebase CLI

This course assumes that Node is installed on the machine and npm commands can be executed. CLI tools can be installed by running npm install -g firebase-tools in your terminal.

npm install -g firebase-tools

NOTE: It is already done for you in the terminal on this site.

If you get an error about permissions then run the same command but add the word sudo in front of it.

sudo npm install -g firebase-tools

When prompted for a password enter the password that allows you to sign in to your computer.

Login to Firebase

Once Firebase is installed, you will need to sign in to Firebase. To do that, we will run the command firebase login in your terminal.

NOTE: On this site you will add --no-localhost

firebase login --no-localhost

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