Important Type Classes
Learn about the most important type classes.
We'll cover the following...
Let’s continue by introducing a few more of the most important predefined Haskell type classes.
Comparing for equality with Eq
The type class Eq
contains all types that can be compared for equality using ==
. It is just as fundamental as Show
and implemented by all basic Haskell data types except functions. Its definition is
data Eq a where
(==), (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
x /= y = not (x == y)
While the class Eq
contains two functions (the operators ==
and /=
), only the ==
operator needs to be implemented for defining an instance of the class. This is because the /=
operator contains a default implementation in the type class itself. Here it is defined as the negation of ==
. This makes it sufficient to only implement equality. We say that defining only ==
is a minimal complete definition for an Eq
instances can also be derived. The derived implementation of ==
on custom data types first compares the constructors and then recursively compares the values inside them. ...