

Bang for Your Buck: Exercise

Bang for Your Buck: Exercise

Write a point-free function to get the 3 top-rated meals <= a given price.

We'll cover the following...

Given a maximum price and menu, return the 3 top-rated meals for that price or less.


// top 3 meals for $12 or less
const best3Meals = getTop3MealsFor(12, menu);

  name: 'Lamb Gyro',
  price: 11.86,
  rating: 4.9
}, {
  name: 'House Salad',
  price: 9.00,
  rating: 4.65
}, {
  name: 'Gigantus Fries',
  price: 11.86,
  rating: 4.5

Your solution must be point-free.

Notice how the menu parameter’s supplied last, aligning with Ramda’s “data-last” pattern. This lets you compose getTop3MealsFor with other functions to manipulate menu in different ways.

Press + to interact
const firstPerfectMeal = pipe(
both(isVegetarian, isLactoseFree)

This finds the best $20 or less vegetarian/lactose-free meal. All it needs is a menu parameter and off it goes!

Press + to interact
import {} from 'ramda';
import menu from './menu';
const getTop3MealsFor = () => {};