Classification in Action
Interact with sample code to explore gradient descent in action.
We'll cover the following...
Final binary classifier
Here’s our final binary classification code:
- Load the pizza data file
- Learn from it
- Come up with a bunch of classifications
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# A binary classifier.import numpy as np# Applying Logistic Regressiondef sigmoid(z):return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))# Basically doing prediction but named forward as its# performing Forward-Propagationdef forward(X, w):weighted_sum = np.matmul(X, w)return sigmoid(weighted_sum)# Calling the predict() functiondef classify(X, w):return np.round(forward(X, w))# Computing Loss over using logistic regressiondef loss(X, Y, w):y_hat = forward(X, w)first_term = Y * np.log(y_hat)second_term = (1 - Y) * np.log(1 - y_hat)return -np.average(first_term + second_term)# calculating gradientdef gradient(X, Y, w):return np.matmul(X.T, (forward(X, w) - Y)) / X.shape[0]# calling the training function for 10,000 iterationsdef train(X, Y, iterations, lr):w = np.zeros((X.shape[1], 1))for i in range(iterations):if (i%2000==0 or i==9999):print("Iteration %4d => Loss: %.20f" % (i, loss(X, Y, w)))w -= gradient(X, Y, w) * lrreturn w# Doing inference to test our modeldef test(X, Y, w):total_examples = X.shape[0]correct_results = np.sum(classify(X, w) == Y)success_percent = correct_results * 100 / total_examplesprint("\nSuccess: %d/%d (%.2f%%)" %(correct_results, total_examples, success_percent))# Prepare datax1, x2, x3, y = np.loadtxt("police.txt", skiprows=1, unpack=True)X = np.column_stack((np.ones(x1.size), x1, x2, x3))Y = y.reshape(-1, 1)w = train(X, Y, iterations=10000, lr=0.001)# Test ittest(X, Y, w)
As we move from linear regression to classification, most functions in our program have to change. We have a brand-new sigmoid()
function. The old predict()
split into two separate functions: forward()
, which is used during training, and classify()
, which is used for classification.
We also change the formula that we use to calculate the loss and its gradient: instead of the mean squared error, we use the log loss. As a result, we have brand-new ...
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