Learn to fetch the moving averages of securities.
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Moving averages are critical technical indicators that help traders visualize securities trends. In this lesson, we’ll look at various endpoints for moving averages available in Polygon API.
Simple moving average
A simple moving average (SMA) is the stock’s average price over a defined time period. It determines if a security is in an uptrend or a downtrend.
The base URL for the SMA endpoint is as follows:
This endpoint requires some mandatory and optional request parameters. An overview of these parameters is given in the table below:
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Category | Description |
| String | Mandatory | The ticker associated with the security whose SMA we want. |
| String | Optional | The starting time of the aggregate window given in the YYYY-MM-DD format or in milliseconds. |
| String | Optional | The time span over which we want to calculate the average. Accepted input: |
| Boolean | Optional | If this is set to |
| Integer | Optional | The window size over which the SMA is calculated. |
| String | Optional | The type of price over which the SMA is calculated. Accepted input: |
| Boolean | Optional | If this is set to |
| String | Optional | This will order the results according to Accepted input: |
| Integer | Optional | This is the number of results required in the response. By default, it is set to |
Let’s try to call the SMA endpoint for a ticker, where SMA is calculated according to the highest prices of the security in the following code:
// Importing libraries hereimport fetch from "node-fetch";// Define API key hereconst apiKey = '{{API_KEY}}';// Define endpoint URL hereconst endpointUrl = new URL(`https://api.polygon.io/v1/indicators/sma/{{TICKER}}`);// Define Header Parameters hereconst headerParameters = {authorization: `Bearer ${apiKey}`};// Define Query Parameters hereconst queryParameters = new URLSearchParams({series_type: 'high',limit: '5'});// Setting API call optionsconst options = {method: 'GET',headers: headerParameters,};// Function to make API callasync function MovingAverage() {try {endpointUrl.search = queryParameters;const response = await fetch(endpointUrl, options);// Custom function for printing the API responseprintResponse(response);} catch (error) {// Custom function for printing the error messageprintError(error);}}// Calling function to make API callMovingAverage();
Here’s an explanation for the above code:
Line 8: We define the endpoint URL.
Lines 11–13: We define the API key in the header parameter.
Lines 16–19: We set the query parameters.
Lines 22–25: We define the options parameters and set the request type as
.Lines 28–39: We define the
function, which calls the endpoint.Line 42: We call the
Try to change the value of Ticker
by clicking “Edit.” Also, play with the code by changing the query parameters.
Response Fields
Name | Type | Description |
| Object | This contains the results of our query, including the aggregate details and values array. |
| Object | This includes details about the ticker specified. |
| Array | This includes the value of the moving average and the timestamp used in the calculation of the moving average of the specified ticker. |
| String | The response status to our query. |
| String | The ID associated with our query. |
| String | The URL to the next page, if it exists. |
Exponential moving average
Like the simple moving average, the exponential moving average (EMA) is used to calculate the average price of a security over a specific time period. However, in EMA, recent prices are given more weight during calculations.
The base URL for the EMA endpoint is as follows:
The request and response parameters for the EMA endpoint are the same as the SMA endpoint. Let’s call the EMA endpoint below.
// Importing libraries hereimport fetch from "node-fetch";// Define API key hereconst apiKey = '{{API_KEY}}';// Define endpoint URL hereconst endpointUrl = new URL(`https://api.polygon.io/v1/indicators/ema/{{TICKER}}`);// Define Header Parameters hereconst headerParameters = {authorization: `Bearer ${apiKey}`};// Define Query Parameters hereconst queryParameters = new URLSearchParams({timespan: "quarter",order: "desc"});// Setting API call optionsconst options = {method: 'GET',headers: headerParameters,};// Function to make API callasync function MovingAverage() {try {endpointUrl.search = queryParameters;const response = await fetch(endpointUrl, options);// Custom function for printing the API responseprintResponse(response);} catch (error) {// Custom function for printing the error messageprintError(error);}}// Calling function to make API callMovingAverage();
Here’s an explanation for the above code:
Line 8: We define the endpoint URL for EMA.
Lines 16–19: We define the query parameters and set the
and order the results in descending order.Lines 22–25: We define the options parameters and set the request type as
.Lines 28–39: We define the
function, which calls the endpoint.Line 42: We call the
Try to change the values of the request parameters by clicking “Edit.” Also, try to provide some additional parameters in the given code widget.
Moving average convergence and divergence
The moving average convergence and divergence (MACD) is a technical indicator that defines the relationship between two moving averages and the trend they follow.
The base URL for the MACD endpoint is as follows:
An overview of the request parameters we can provide to the MACD endpoint is given in the table below.
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Category | Description |
| String | Mandatory | The ticker associated with the security whose SMA we want. |
| String | Optional | The timestamp, given in YYYY-MM-DD format or in milliseconds. |
| String | Optional | The time span over which we want to calculate the average. Accepted input: |
| Boolean | Optional | If this is set to |
| Integer | Optional | The short window size over which the MACD is calculated. |
| Integer | Optional | The long window size over which the MACD is calculated. |
| Integer | Optional | The window size over which the MACD signal line is calculated. |
| String | Optional | The type of price over which the MACD is calculated. Accepted input: |
| Boolean | Optional | If this is set to |
| String | Optional | This will order the results according to Accepted input: |
| Integer | Optional | The number of results required in the response. By default, it is set to |
Let’s try to call the MACD endpoint in the following code:
// Importing libraries hereimport fetch from "node-fetch";// Define API key hereconst apiKey = '{{API_KEY}}';// Define endpoint URL hereconst endpointUrl = new URL(`https://api.polygon.io/v1/indicators/macd/{{TICKER}}`);// Define Header Parameters hereconst headerParameters = {authorization: `Bearer ${apiKey}`};// Define Query Parameters hereconst queryParameters = new URLSearchParams({timespan: 'minute',limit: 15});// Setting API call optionsconst options = {method: 'GET',headers: headerParameters,};// Function to make API callasync function MACD() {try {endpointUrl.search = queryParameters;const response = await fetch(endpointUrl, options);// Custom function for printing the API responseprintResponse(response);} catch (error) {// Custom function for printing the error messageprintError(error);}}// Calling function to make API callMACD();
Here’s an explanation for the above code:
Line 8: We define the endpoint URL.
Lines 16–19: We set the query parameters.
Lines 22–25: We define the options parameters and set the request type as GET.
Lines 28–39: We define the
function, which calls the endpoint.Line 42: We call the
The attributes in the response object of MACD are similar to the response object of SMA and EMA. However, the results
object includes some additional parameters. The following table contains details of these parameters.
Response Fields
Name | Type | Description |
| Integer | The MACD value minus the signal value. |
| Integer | The EMA value of the asset over nine days. |
| Integer | The timestamp (in milliseconds) starting from the previous aggregate window. |
| Integer | Thee MACD value of the asset specified. |
Relative strength index
The relative strength index (RSI) is used to measure the change in the recent prices of a security. It lets us know if a security is overbought or oversold. Polygon API provides the RSI of a security over a specific time period.
The base URL for the RSI endpoint is as follows:
The request and response parameters of RSI are the same as those of SMA and EMA.
Let’s try to call this endpoint in the code widget given below:
// Importing libraries hereimport fetch from "node-fetch";// Define API key hereconst apiKey = '{{API_KEY}}';// Define endpoint URL hereconst endpointUrl = new URL(`https://api.polygon.io/v1/indicators/rsi/{{TICKER}}`);// Define Header Parameters hereconst headerParameters = {authorization: `Bearer ${apiKey}`};// Define Query Parameters hereconst queryParameters = new URLSearchParams({adjusted: 'false',window: 14,series_tyoe: 'low',limit: 5});// Setting API call optionsconst options = {method: 'GET',headers: headerParameters,};// Function to make API callasync function RSI() {try {endpointUrl.search = queryParameters;const response = await fetch(endpointUrl, options);// Custom function for printing the API responseprintResponse(response);} catch (error) {// Custom function for printing the error messageprintError(error);}}// Calling function to make API callRSI();
Here’s an explanation for the above code:
Line 8: We define the endpoint URL.
Lines 16–21: We set the query parameters.
Lines 30–41: We define the
function, which calls the endpoint.Line 44: We call the
Try to change the query parameters and click the “Run” button to see the change in values.