Insert Necessary Data

Learn to insert data into tables.

We’ll now execute the following commands to create the necessary data to support our query exercises.

First, we create the customers:

Press + to interact
insert into customers (name, identity) values ('John Woo', 'JW001');
insert into customers (name, identity) values ('Maria Foo', 'MF001');
insert into customers (name, identity) values ('Jim Papas', 'JP001');
insert into customers (name, identity) values ('Jessy Romeo', 'JR001');
insert into customers (name, identity) values ('Arya Stark', 'AS001');

We get a Succeeded response, which means the queries executed successfully and there’s nothing to show.

If we select the customers, we should see this:

mysql> select * from customers;
| id | name        | identity |
|  4 | John Woo    | JW001    |
|  5 | Maria Foo   | MF001    |
|  6 | Jim Papas   | JP001    |
|  7 | Jessy Romeo | JR001    |
|  8 | Arya Stark  | AS001    |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Click “Run” to verify the result:

Press + to interact
select * from customers;

The first customer’s order

Then, create orders and order items. Insert one order with one order item for the first customer:

mysql> insert into orders (order_number, ordered_at, customer_id) values ('ABC001', current_timestamp, 4);
Query OK
mysql> select * from orders;
| id | order_number | ordered_at          | customer_id |
|  2 | ABC001       | 2016-09-12 21:36:56 |           4 |