Insert Necessary Data
Learn to insert data into tables.
We’ll now execute the following commands to create the necessary data to support our query exercises.
First, we create the customers
Press + to interact
insert into customers (name, identity) values ('John Woo', 'JW001');insert into customers (name, identity) values ('Maria Foo', 'MF001');insert into customers (name, identity) values ('Jim Papas', 'JP001');insert into customers (name, identity) values ('Jessy Romeo', 'JR001');insert into customers (name, identity) values ('Arya Stark', 'AS001');
We get a Succeeded
response, which means the queries executed successfully and there’s nothing to show.
If we select the customers
, we should see this:
mysql> select * from customers;
| id | name | identity |
| 4 | John Woo | JW001 |
| 5 | Maria Foo | MF001 |
| 6 | Jim Papas | JP001 |
| 7 | Jessy Romeo | JR001 |
| 8 | Arya Stark | AS001 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Click “Run” to verify the result:
Press + to interact
select * from customers;
The first customer’s order
Then, create orders and order items. Insert one order with one order item for the first customer:
mysql> insert into orders (order_number, ordered_at, customer_id) values ('ABC001', current_timestamp, 4);
Query OK
mysql> select * from orders;
| id | order_number | ordered_at | customer_id |
| 2 | ABC001 | 2016-09-12 21:36:56 | 4 |