Twilio API Overview

Get a brief introduction to Twilio and what products Twilio APIs offer.

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Twilio provides a Communication Platform as a Service (CPaaS) that can build practically any digital experience using capabilities like SMS, WhatsApp, voice, video, email, and IoT. Twilio’s programmable APIs allow developers to create smooth customer experiences. 

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Why Twilio?

Twilio is an easy-to-use platform when compared to other telecommunications options, which can often be complex and costly. It allows developers to use various telecommunications methods in their applications while using familiar technology.

Twilio products

The following are some of the products Twilio offers:

  • Twilio Flex: This is the cloud contact center platform.
  • Marketing Campaigns: This is a UI-based email marketing tool.
  • Twilio Frontline: This is a mobile application for employees to build customer relationships.
  • Identity: This is used to fight fraud before it happens.
  • Intelligence: This deploys intelligent communications solutions.
  • Phone Numbers: This allows users to access national and local phone numbers.
  • Programmable Messaging: This allows users to send and receive customizable messages.
  • Programmable Voice: This lets users make, receive, and monitor calls.
  • Programmable Video: This helps build real-time video and HD audio applications.

Twilio offers a wide range of products. However, we’ll only discuss a few in this course. The following diagram gives an overview of the APIs we’ll cover in the upcoming lessons.

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Twilio endpoints overview
Twilio endpoints overview