

Variable Scopes and Shadowing

Variable Scopes and Shadowing

Understand variable scopes and shadowing in Go, along with an overview of zero values.

A scope is part of the program in which a variable can be seen. In Go, we have the following variable scopes:

  • Package scoped: Can be seen by the entire package and is declared outside a function

  • Function scoped: Can be seen within {} which defines the function

  • Statement scoped: Can be seen within {} of a statement in a function (for loop, if/else)

In the following program, the word variable is declared at the package level. It can be used by any function defined in the package:

Press + to interact
package main
import "fmt"
var word = "hello"
func main() {

In the following program, the word variable is defined inside the main() function and can only be used inside {} which defines main. Outside, it is undefined:

Press + to interact
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var word string = "hello"

Finally, in this program, i is statement scoped. It can ...