

Implementation of Kruskal's Algorithm

Implementation of Kruskal's Algorithm

Dive into the implementation of MST algorithms.

Implementation Notes

During Kruskal’s algorithm, we’ll iteratively build up a minimum spanning tree TT by processing the edges one by one. For each edge e=(u,v)e = (u, v) we need to check whether uu and vv are already connected in TT. The main challenge of implementing Kruskal is performing it efficiently.

The naive approaches, such as running a BFS from uu to vv for each edge, would be quite costly. The key component in speeding up the algorithm is using the correct data structure, which is called Disjoint-Set-Union (DSU) or Union-Find.

As the name suggests, a DSU data structure stores disjoint sets. In our case, it will store the connected components of our current graph TT. Each set has a representative. We can efficiently check whether two elements are ...