/AI Infrastructure: Cloud Services to Create AI Solutions I
AI Infrastructure: Cloud Services to Create AI Solutions I
This lesson introduces cloud services for creating AI.
We'll cover the following...
Let me start by telling you a story:
"Once upon a time there was a Japanese farmer. He would see his old parents go through the pain of sorting cucumbers day after day. One day he had enough, and he decided to put an end to their painstaking operation. He did not have the resources to hire other people to do the job, but he had heard about the magic of machine learning. So he sat down and started learning about it. With neither expertise in deep learning, nor a big budget, this industrious farmer managed to get familiar with TensorFlow and deployed a deep learning model to recognize different classes of cucumbers! From that day, his old parents could relax while AI did the painstaking job for them. And they all lived happily after!"