

Solution: Maximum Number of Visible Points

Solution: Maximum Number of Visible Points

Let’s solve the Maximum Number of Visible Points using the Math and Geometry pattern.


You are provided with an array, points, an integer angle, and your location, where points[i] = [xi, yi] and location = [posx, posy], both representing integer coordinatesInteger coordinates refer to points on a plane where x and y values are whole numbers. on the X-Y plane.

You initially face directly east from your fixed location and cannot move. In other words, posx and posy cannot be changed. However, you can rotate to adjust your viewing direction. Your field of view, measured in degrees, is specified by the angle, representing the width of visibility. If you rotate counterclockwise by an angle dd, your visible field spans the inclusive range of angles [dangle2,d+angle2][d-\frac{angle}{2}, d+\frac{angle}{2}] ...