

Solution:Minimum Time Takes to Reach Destination Without Drowning

Solution:Minimum Time Takes to Reach Destination Without Drowning

Let’s solve the Minimum Time Takes to Reach Destination Without Drowning problem using the Matrices pattern.


Given a m x n grid of the string land. It consists of the following types of cells:

  • S: Source cell where you are standing initially.

  • D: Destination cell where you have to reach.

  • .: These cells are empty.

  • X: These cells are stone.

  • *: These cells are flooded.

Each second, you can move to a neighboring cell directly next to your current one. At the same time, any empty cell next to a flooded cell also becomes flooded. There are two challenges in your path:

  1. You can’t step on stone cells.

  2. You can’t step on flooded cells or cells that will flood right when you try to step on them because you’ll drown.

Return the minimum time it takes you to reach the destination from the source in seconds, or  ...