Man Page System and Command help
Learn how you can fetch more details about various commands using command help.
We'll cover the following...
We’re now acquainted with commands for navigating the file system. Each command has several options and parameters. We covered only the most common ones. What if we need a rare feature that is not covered in this course? We would need official documentation in this case.
All modern OSs and applications have documentation. However, we rarely need it when using the graphical interface because graphic elements are self-explanatory in most cases. Therefore, most PC users don’t care about documentation.
When working with the CLI, the only way to know about available features of the software is by reading documentation. Besides that, we don’t have anything else that gives us a quick hint. When using CLI utility, it’s crucial to know its basics. Negligence can lead to loss or corruption of our data.
Origins of the man page system
The first versions of Unix had paper documentation. Using it was inconvenient and time-consuming. Soon, it became even worse when the documentation volume grew rapidly ...