3- Gradient Boosting
This lesson will provide an overview of gradient boosting and the steps involved in its implementation.
We'll cover the following...
Introduction to gradient boosting
Like random forests, boosting provides yet another regression/classification technique for aggregating the outcome of multiple decision trees.
Rather than building random independent variants of a decision tree in parallel,
While this creates another weak model, the modifications derived from the previous model help the new model to key in on the previous tree’s mistakes. The adaptability of the algorithm to learn from its mistakes makes gradient boosting one of the most popular algorithms in machine learning today.
The following steps are involved in the implementation of GB:
- 1 - Import libraries
- 2 - Import dataset
- 3 - Convert non-numeric variables
- 4 - Remove variables
- 5 - Set X and y variables
- 6 - Set algorithm
- 7 - Evaluate