

Untitled Masterpiece

Untitled Masterpiece

Learn to deploy an application to Heroku.

Heroku is one of the first cloud platforms out there, launched in 2007. It provides a platform which supports several languages, the most popular among them is Python. It also has delightfully good taste in that it also provides PostgreSQL support – a marvelous RDBMS.

Heroku is simple to use for shipping any kind of application in production. They have extensive and complete documentation online that covers most use cases.

Heroku uses git to manage the versioning and deployment of applications. In order to deploy an application, a simple git push is needed.

Heroku Logo

In this lesson, we provide a pre-installed Heroku CLI and git for your practice, so you don’t have to install the CLI on your own machine.


Heroku provides a process model, where your application can be made up of one or several processes. The usual default ...