Example with Spring Data JPA
Learn how to implement a persistence adapter with the help of an example in Spring Data JPA.
The Account
data class
Let’s look at a code example that implements the AccountPersistenceAdapter
from the figures in the previous lessons. This adapter will have to save and load accounts to and from the database. We have already seen the Account
entity in chapter “Implementing a Use Case”, but here is its skeleton again for reference:
package buckpal.account.domain;@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)public class Account {@Getter private final AccountId id;@Getter private final ActivityWindow activityWindow;private final Money baselineBalance;public static Account withoutId(Money baselineBalance,ActivityWindow activityWindow) {return new Account(null, baselineBalance, activityWindow);}public static Account withId(AccountId accountId,Money baselineBalance,ActivityWindow activityWindow) {return new Account(accountId, baselineBalance, activityWindow);}public Money calculateBalance() {// ...}public boolean withdraw(Money money, AccountId targetAccountId) {// ...}public boolean deposit(Money money, AccountId sourceAccountId) {// ...}}
Note that the Account
class is not a simple data class with getters and setters but instead, tries to be as immutable as possible. It only provides factory methods that create an Account
in a valid state, and all mutating methods do some validation, like checking the account balance before withdrawing money, so that we cannot create an invalid domain model.
The AccountJpaEntity
We’ll use Spring Data