

Constructors, Load, and Print Functions

Constructors, Load, and Print Functions

Learn how to load and print huge integers.

This lesson will cover the basics of loading and printing huge integers in C++, which can consist of several hundred digits. We’ll explore two different methods of storing these numbers and assess which is a better approach.

Your implementation

Review each file carefully to understand the task requirements before starting to code.

Huge integer load and print

Note: Write the code yourself by following the instructions below.

Huge integer ADT

Let’s create an ADT with the HugeInt class with the following attributes and methods:

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// Define HugeInt.h
class HugeInt
int size; // Size of digits
int* Ds; // Digit array will store the digits
bool isNeg; // Numbers can be negative or positive
HugeInt(string s); // Method to assign a huge integer
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const HugeInt& I); // Print an integers on the console
// Define main.cpp
int main()
HugeInt I("234");
// Should call the 2nd constructor on line 9 (once we implement their definitions in HugeInt.cpp)
cout << "I: " << I << endl;

The following are the member attributes:

  • Line 4: The size variable holds the count of digits in each huge integer.

  • Line 5: The Ds integer pointer points to a heap array that stores each digit of the huge integer separately.

  • Line 6: The boolean variable isNeg is set to true if the huge integer is negative and false otherwise.

The following are the member functions:

  • Line 8: This constructor is invoked when we want to load a huge integer from a file.

  • Line 17: This constructor is invoked when we want to initialize the huge integer with a string.

  • Line 18: The operator<< constructor is invoked, which is the friend function that needs access to the private attributes of huge integers to display on the console.

Note: Add the class declaration part in HugeInt.h.

Note: Once we implement the definition of HugeInt ADT in the HugeInt.cpp file (which we’ll discuss shortly), the provided main() function in lines 15–20 should execute properly.

Let’s proceed to the next section, where we’ll define all the member functions of the huge integer ADT.

Implementing HugeInt.cpp

Before implementing our first constructor, which requires reading from the HIs.txt file, let’s review what is to be loaded:

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  • Line 1: Here, 5 denotes the total count of huge integers to be loaded.

  • Line 2–6: Each individual huge integer is listed on a separate line, i.e., 100 on the first line, followed by 200 on the next line, and so on.

Using getline() and operator>> with ifstream and string

While loading five huge integers into an integer array (from the sample HIs.txt file above), we encounter the challenge of determining the size of each integer. We can overcome this challenge using two ways:

  • If we know the maximum number of digits an integer can have, let’s say 1,000, we can utilize Rdr.getline(s, 1000) to load the integer array. This method allows us to read the integer array as a string, considering the maximum length of the integer as an argument.
   string s; ifstream Rdr("HIs.txt");
   Rdr.getline(s,1000); // The maximum # of digits could be 1000
   s.size(); // This holds the actual size of the loaded huge integer
  • However, if the size of each integer is unknown or even more than a thousand digits, we need a different approach. In this case, we can leverage operator>> overloaded with ifstream and string parameters from the class. By reading character by character until a delimiter, such as a space or end-of-line character, is encountered, this operator allows us to load each integer as a dynamically expanding string. We can then determine the exact size of each integer using the size() member function of the string, enabling us to allocate the appropriate dynamic array based on the number of digits for each huge integer.
   string s; ifstream Rdr("HIs.txt");