Sign-Up Form Validation
Let's validate the information from all the fields in our sign-up form.
We'll cover the following...
In the last lesson, we were almost done with the sign-up form of our application.
One piece in the form is missing: validation. Let’s use an isInvalid
boolean to enable or disable the submit button.
Press + to interact
...class SignUpForm extends Component {...render() {const {username,email,passwordOne,passwordTwo,error,} = this.state;const isInvalid =passwordOne !== passwordTwo ||passwordOne === '' ||email === '' ||username === '';return (<form onSubmit={this.onSubmit}><input...<button disabled={isInvalid} type="submit">Sign Up</button>{error && <p>{error.message}</p>}</form>);}}...
Sign-Up Criteria
The user is only allowed to sign up if :
both passwords are the same;
the username, email and at least one password are filled with a string. ...