

Define Redux Actions with createAction

Define Redux Actions with createAction

Get started with the createAction utility provided by Redux toolkit. Additionally, learn how to simplify the creation of your Redux actions.

The createAction API

The API for createAction is simple but very much needed.

Consider the typical way to create a Redux action. We’ve followed a similar pattern with Flappy.

(i) Create a type string.

Press + to interact
export const UPDATE_MOOD = "UPDATE_MOOD";

(ii) Create the action creator.

Press + to interact
export const updateCatMood = (payload) => ({

Action objects have a somewhat fixed shape, making it obvious to automate its creation. With createAction, we can merge the steps above into one. Just invoke createAction with an action type.

Press + to interact
export const UPDATE_MOOD = "UPDATE_MOOD";
export const updateCatMood = createAction(UPDATE_MOOD);

While the utility name ...