Puzzles 45 to 47
Learn about graph traversal, lexicographical sorting, and chaining of set operations in Python.
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Puzzle 45
What is the output of the following code?
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############################## id 274## Puzzle Elo 1729## Correctly solved 44 %#############################def has_path(graph, v_start, v_end, path_len=0):'''Graph has path from v_start to v_end'''# Traverse each vertex only onceif path_len >= len(graph):return False# Direct path from v_start to v_end?if graph[v_start][v_end]:return True# Indirect path via neighbor v_nbor?for v_nbor, edge in enumerate(graph[v_start]):if edge: # between v_start and v_nborif has_path(graph, v_nbor, v_end,path_len + 1):return Truereturn False# The graph represented as adjancy matrixG = [[1, 1, 0, 0, 0],[0, 1, 0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 1, 0, 0],[0, 1, 1, 1, 0],[1, 0, 0, 1, 1]]print(has_path(graph=G, v_start=3, v_end=0))
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Graph traversal
What is a graph?
You already know data structures like lists, sets, and dictionaries. These data structures are denoted as complex data structures. But this is not because they’re difficult to understand but because they build upon other data structures.
A graph is just another complex data structure for relational data.
Relational data consists of edges and vertices. Each vertex stands in one or more relations with other vertices. An example of relational data is the Facebook social graph. Facebook represents users as vertices and friendship relations as edges. Two users are connected via an edge in the graph if they are (Facebook) friends.
How to maintain a graph data structure in the code
The puzzle uses an adjacency matrix
as graph data structure G
. Each row ...