Coding the Solution

Understand the entire process of coding in the knowledge graph completion task.

The solution to the problem

Our aim is to generate friend recommendations for different people in the social network graph. We can formulate this as a link prediction or a knowledge graph completion task. Specifically, this is a task of head prediction or tail prediction.

Let's have a look at the following code and run it to generate the results:

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import networkx as nx
from faker import Faker
import random
import pandas as pd
from pykeen.triples import TriplesFactory
from pykeen.pipeline import pipeline
# Create a synthetic graph with 500 nodes, 4 average degree, and 0.5 rewiring probability
G = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(n=500, k=4, p=0.5, seed=42)
# node names
faker = Faker()
node_names = []
# for loop to generate 500 unique names
for i in range(501):
name =
if name not in node_names:
# relabel node names of the graph G
mapping = {i: node_names[i] for i in range(len(node_names))}
G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, mapping)
# remove any possible selfloops
#edge attribute names
attributes = ['friend', 'family', 'acquaintance',
'colleague', 'classmate', 'neighbor',
# probability distribution for each attribute
prob_dist = {'friend': 0.3, 'family': 0.05, 'acquaintance': 0.2,
'colleague': 0.05, 'university': 0.15, 'neighbor': 0.15,
'school': 0.1}
# assign edge attributes
for edge in G.edges:
G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['relation'] = random.choices(attributes,weights = list(prob_dist.values()),k=1)[0]
# graph to triple dataframe
triples = []
for edge in G.edges:
triples.append([edge[0], G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['relation'], edge[1]])
# create dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(triples)
df.columns = ['h', 'r', 't']
# create triples using pykeen
tf = TriplesFactory.from_labeled_triples(df.values)
training,testing = tf.split([0.8,0.2], random_state=42)
# train the TransR model using PyKEEN
result = pipeline(
model = "TransR",
optimizer = "adamw",
training_kwargs=dict(num_epochs=50, use_tqdm_batch=False),
negative_sampler = 'bernoulli',
negative_sampler_kwargs = dict(num_negs_per_pos = 5))
# store rank based metrics in data frame
df_metrics = result.metric_results.to_df()

Let’s look at the code explanation below:

  • Line 10: Creates a synthetic graph using the Watts-Strogatz model with 500 nodes.

  • Lines 13–20: Generate random unique names to relabel the nodes in the social network.

  • Lines 23–27: Relabel the nodes and remove self-loops. ...