

CRUD Application: Part 2

CRUD Application: Part 2

Learn to add the create and read functionality to our application and how to navigate between different views.

So far, your app opens the index.html.erb view for you and displays all the pets in our record as clickable links.

Next, we want to do the following:

  1. Edit index.html.erb to display a link to create a new pet.
  2. Edit new.html.erb to display web forms to set attributes for the new pet.
  3. Create a create method in your app/controllers/pets_controller.rb file to handle the creation of a new pet.
  4. Edit show.html.erb to display details of a pet when you click it.

Adding new pet

Edit the index view

In your app/views/pets/index.html.erb file you need to add a link to take you to the new.html.erb view, which will ...