Deployment of a Smart Contract

Understand the details of deploying a contract over to the blockchain network.

After creating a smart contract, the next step is to publish it to a blockchain network for execution.


The most commonly used IDE for writing and executing Solidity code is Remix. We can use it online at Remix IDE or install it on a system from the Remix IDE desktop.

After we’ve written and compiled the code, we can deploy it in the following ways:

  • Remix VM (London)

  • Remix VM (Berlin)

  • Injected Provider - MetaMask

Here, we’ll be deploying contracts using MetaMask as the injected provider.


MetaMask is an Ethereum wallet that bridges the gap between Ethereum’s user interfaces and the conventional web. Its purpose is to inject the JavaScript library web3.js into the namespace of every page the browser loads, and it’s mostly used as a plugin in Chrome.

We can configure our account after installing MetaMask as a Chrome extension and registering an account, as follows:

Step 1: Choose the “Goerli” test network from the list of available networks shown below:

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