

Comparison of various data formats

Comparison of various data formats

Learn about XML and JSON data formats and see how YAML represents data in a more readable and cleaner format.

In this chapter, I am presenting you with a simple document with the structure below. It contains employee data and its corresponding representation using all the popular data formats like XML and JSON.

The following is a graphical representation of the data:

%0 node_1 departments node_2 name node_1->node_2 node_3 head node_1->node_3 node_4 employees node_1->node_4 node_1608694849854 employee node_4->node_1608694849854 node_1608694863326 id node_1608694849854->node_1608694863326 node_1608694881637 name node_1608694849854->node_1608694881637 node_1608694888914 manager node_1608694849854->node_1608694888914 node_1608694899036 dateOfJoining node_1608694849854->node_1608694899036 node_1608694919489 12 node_1608694863326->node_1608694919489 node_1608694930228 John node_1608694881637->node_1608694930228 node_1608694944940 123 node_1608694888914->node_1608694944940 node_1608694955074 2002-01-09 node_1608694899036->node_1608694955074
Employee Data

This will help you further strengthen your understanding based on your previous experience. You will also be able to better understand the key differences in these data representation specifications.

Overview of XML

XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. It is designed to store and transport data across many different IT ...