

Third-party Solution

Third-party Solution

Get a brief introduction to Apache Shiro Java security framework with a coding example.


In the lesson "Standards Basic Method," we learned how to configure and use the Basic authenticationIn Basic Authentication, username and password are provided when requesting an HTTP user agent. When we work with Basic Authentication, users include an encoded string in each request’s Authorization header. The request’s recipient uses the string to verify the user’s identity and rights to access a resource. method.

We always need to do some configuration on the server-side to define the authentication and authorization aspects. We can implement and configure the Security API within the application without making any changes to the runtime. Some runtime-specific configurations are necessary before introducing the Security API specification. That’s why many projects use the Apache Shiro solution.

Apache Shiro

Apache Shiro is a powerful and easy-to-use Java security framework that performs authentication, authorization, cryptography, and ...