

Practice Challenges for Fun

Practice Challenges for Fun

This lesson has some challenging problems for you to solve.


Attempt the following quiz questions:

Consider the following if statement:

if (x > 2)
   if (y > 2)
      z = x + y;
      System.out.println("z is " + z);
   System.out.println("x is " + x);

What is displayed when the values of x and y are 3 and 2, respectively?


Nothing is displayed


x is 2


z is 7



Question 1 of 30 attempted

Consider the following if statement that classifies people according to their age. The programmer who wrote this code was careless when indenting. The syntax, however, is correct. Assume that age is an int variable containing a positive value.

int age;
// age now contains a positive integer.

if (age < 12)
   System.out.println("You belong to Group 1");
else if (age > 12)
if (age <= 19)
   System.out.println("You belong to Group 2");
else if( (age > 20) && (age < 55) )
   System.out.println("You belong to Group 3");
   System.out.println("You belong to Group 4");
   System.out.println("You belong to Group 5");

How old are the people in Group 1?

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Q1 / Q6

What multiway if statement will decide the percentage increase of an employee’s salary based on the following merit rating scale?
  Rating     % Increase
  95 and above  5.0
  80 to 94     2.5
  Below 80    1.25

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Q1 / Q3

Assume that the int variable sumCode has been assigned a value. Rewrite the following multiway if statement as a switch statement:

if (sumCode == 1)
   sum = sum + 2.5;
else if (sumCode == 2)
   sum = sum + 5.0;
else if (sumCode == 3)
   sum = sum + 7.5;
else if (sumCode == 4)
   sum = sum + 10.0;
   sum = 0;
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Q1 / Q3

Challenge 1: Read an answer to a question and react to it

Write some code that displays a question whose answer is yes or no. Read the answer as a string.

  • If the answer is yes, display You answered YES!.
  • If the answer is no, display You answered NO!.
  • If the answer is longer than three characters, display Your answer is too long!.
  • If the answer has three or fewer characters, but