

Variable Declarations in JavaScript

Variable Declarations in JavaScript

This lesson teaches how variables are declared in JavaScript and what's the difference between var, let and const keywords.

We'll cover the following...

Earlier before 2015, the only keyword available to declare variables was the var keyword. With JavaScript ES6 introduced, the two new keywords that came into existence are const and let. Let’s see how each of these keywords differ from one another and what’s the best time to use them.

The different variable declarations with var, let and const can be confusing for newcomers to React even though they are not React specific. Maybe it is because JavaScript ES6 was introduced when React became popular. In general, I try to introduce let and const very early in my workshops. It simply starts with exchanging var with const in a React component:

import React from 'react';

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './app.js';

  <App />,

Also, JavaScript didn’t have a dedicated keyword to declare constants only which is why const was introduced. The variables assigned using const are read-only which means that once they are initialized using const, they cannot be reassigned.

Scope of var, let and const

The primary reason to introduce two more keywords in the new JS version was to allow programmers to decide scope options for their defined variables. The scopes of all these keywords are mentioned below:

  • var: Function in which the variable is declared
  • let: Block in which the variable is declared
  • const: Block in which the variable is declared

Block scopes are what you get when you use if statements, for statements or write code inside curly brackets.

Run the following example and see what’s the result.

Press + to interact
function foo(){
for (var i=0; i<5 ; i++){

If you replace var with let and then run the code again you will get the error ReferenceError: i is not defined. This shows that i is only accessible within the curly brackets.

Rules of Thumb:

  • Don’t use var, because let and const is more specific
  • Default to const, because it cannot be re-assigned or re-declared
  • Use let when you want to re-assign the variable in future
  • Always prefer using let over var and const over let

When to use what?

While let is usually used in a for loop for incrementing the iterator, const is normally used for keeping JavaScript variables unchanged. Even though it is possible to change the inner properties of objects and arrays when using const, the variable declaration shows the intent of keeping the variable unchanged.

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