

When to Use the Promise.all() Method

When to Use the Promise.all() Method

Learn how Promise.all() processes multiple files, calls multiple APIs, and creates artificial delays.

We want to use Promise.all() in any situation where we are waiting for multiple promises to fulfill and any one failure could cause the entire operation to fail. Here are some common use cases for Promise.all().

Processing multiple files together

When using a server-side JavaScript runtime, such as Node.js or Deno, we may need to read from multiple files to work with data contained inside. In this situation, it’s most efficient to read files in parallel and wait until they’ve all been read before proceeding to process the data we’ve retrieved. Here’s an example that works in Node.js:

    "fruit": "Pear",
    "size": "Medium",
    "color": "Green"
Using Promise.all() to read multiple files

This example uses the Node.js promises-based file system API to read multiple files in parallel. The readFiles() function accepts an array of file names to read and then maps each file name to a promise created by the imported readFile() ...

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