

Who Is This Course For?

Who Is This Course For?

Here's a brief overview of what to expect from this course.

The intended audience for this course includes students, working professionals, and researchers who want to launch their very own personal websites. However, this course will appeal more to individuals who work in these segments: R, data analytics, data science, machine learning, statistics, mathematics, and related fields where technical writing is common.


Some knowledge of HTML and CSS is helpful to better grasp the concepts explored in this course.

What to expect

This course will walk you through the process of creating websites using R step by step. Upon completing the course, you’ll be able to develop and deploy a personal website, portfolio, or blog at no cost and fine-tune it according to your requirements. You’ll also learn how to use Google Analytics to capture user activity on your website.

Reasons to have a website

Here are some reasons why setting up a personal website is a good idea:

  • Captivate an audience, gain recognition and increase your competitive advantage through original content. A personal website presents an amazing opportunity to interest readers including professional recruiters, hiring managers, current employers, colleagues, fellow students, and more.
  • Personalize your job applications using hyperfocused content on a web page that has been personalized to target a company that you really want to work for. Then, share it with the recruiter, hiring manager, current employees, and anyone else in the company’s network who might be impressed.
  • Enrich your social media presence with a personal website. Give social media viewers a path to learning more about you and the work you’re doing.
  • Establish yourself as a thought leader. Are you passionate about certain topics? Then, create a website and start writing! Direct people to your website as often as you can to reinforce your position as a thought leader on your chosen topic.
  • Organize content for a specific class or project. This use case is a good opportunity for students to display their leadership. If you’re taking a class or working on a project, consider publishing a website to communicate your progress and organize essential documentation.
  • Promote products or services on your site. If you’re thinking about selling your own products or services, consider publishing a landing page or an e-commerce site.

Learning outcomes for this course

In this course, you’ll learn how to do the following:

  • Generate websites using R.
  • Fine-tune the look and feel of our website, including logos, colors, and fonts.
  • Configure features such as contact forms, page layouts, and social media links.
  • Write original content such as blog posts, tutorials, research articles, and project portfolios using R, Python, SQL, Markdown, and Jupyter Notebook.
  • Deploy your website to the internet using Netlify and GitHub.
  • Integrate Google Analytics to your website to capture user activity and analyze that data using R.