Model Configurations

Learn how to add configurations to models in different ways.

Available configurations

In dbt, we can apply specific configurations to our models. Some of the available configurations include:

  • enabled: Specifies whether or not dbt should run this model

  • database: Specifies the project this model will be created in

  • schema: Specifies the dataset this model will be created in

There’s an exhaustive list of model configurations in the documentation. By default, all models are enabled, and they run in the database and schema specified in the profile. If we specify a configuration, it will override the default settings.

Configuration settings in dbt_project.yml

In the dbt_project.yml file, we can define various configuration settings to customize the behavior of the dbt project. These settings include target schema, materialization method, data freshness settings, and more.

Applying a configuration to a model

To define a configuration for some of our models, we can nest it under the models key:

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