

Understanding JSX Syntax

Understanding JSX Syntax

Learn JSX, its syntax, rules, compilation, and best practices for React

When building user interfaces, developers often need to describe the structure of the UI while embedding logic for interactivity. Traditional JavaScript requires manipulating the DOM directly, which can be verbose and challenging to maintain as applications grow.

JSX (JavaScript XML)

React solves this problem with JSX, a syntax that lets us describe the structure of our UI in a concise, HTML-like format while seamlessly integrating JavaScript logic. It's an optional syntax extension for JavaScript that looks like HTML but is compiled into JavaScript. It allows us to write UI code in a way that’s intuitive and closer to how our UI will look in the browser.

A JSX element defining an <h1> tag with the Hello, JSX! text:

const element = <h1>Hello, JSX!</h1>;

React compiles this JSX into JavaScript. The compiled version of the above code would look like this:

const element = React.createElement('h1', null, 'Hello, JSX!');
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