/Our completed Weather App with Redux
Our completed Weather App with Redux
Let's look at Actions, Reducers and other parts of our weather app.
We'll cover the following...
Did you try implementing the Actions left out in the last lesson. If not, try it first.
Are you done? This is what your App
component should look like now:
import React from 'react'; import './App.css'; import xhr from 'xhr'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import Plot from './Plot'; import { changeLocation, setData, setDates, setTemps, setSelectedDate, setSelectedTemp } from './actions'; class App extends React.Component { fetchData = (evt) => { evt.preventDefault(); var location = encodeURIComponent(this.props.location); var urlPrefix = 'https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?q='; var urlSuffix = '&APPID=dbe69e56e7ee5f981d76c3e77bbb45c0&units=metric'; var url = urlPrefix + location + urlSuffix; var self = this; xhr({ url: url }, function (err, data) { var body = JSON.parse(data.body); var list = body.list; var dates = []; var temps = []; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { dates.push(list[i].dt_txt); temps.push(list[i].main.temp); } self.props.dispatch(setData(body)); self.props.dispatch(setDates(dates)); self.props.dispatch(setTemps(temps)); self.props.dispatch(setSelectedDate('')); self.props.dispatch(setSelectedTemp(null)); }); }; onPlotClick = (data) => { if (data.points) { var number = data.points[0].pointNumber; this.props.dispatch(setSelectedDate(this.props.dates[number])); this.props.dispatch(setSelectedTemp(this.props.temps[number])) } }; changeLocation = (evt) => { this.props.dispatch(changeLocation(evt.target.value)); }; render() { var currentTemp = 'not loaded yet'; if (this.props.data.list) { currentTemp = this.props.data.list[0].main.temp; } return ( <div> <h1>Weather</h1> <form onSubmit={this.fetchData}> <label>City, Country <input placeholder={"City, Country"} type="text" value={this.props.location} onChange={this.changeLocation} /> </label> </form> {/* Render the current temperature and the forecast if we have data otherwise return null */} {(this.props.data.list) ? ( <div> {/* Render the current temperature if no specific date is selected */} {(this.props.selected.temp) ? ( <p>The temperature on { this.props.selected.date } will be { this.props.selected.temp }°C</p> ) : ( <p>The current temperature is { currentTemp }°C!</p> )} <h2>Forecast</h2> <Plot xData={this.props.dates} yData={this.props.temps} onPlotClick={this.onPlotClick} type="scatter" /> </div> ) : null} </div> ); } } // Since we want to have the entire state anyway, we can simply return it as is! function mapStateToProps(state) { return state; } export default connect(mapStateToProps)(App);
Fetching Data: Going beyond xhr
We’re almost done but we still have that ugly xhr({})
call in our fetchData
function though. This works, but as we add more and more components to our application it’ll become hard to figure out where what data is fetched.
That’s why the redux community has adopted redux-thunk
as a new standard for fetching data!