

Challenge: Arithmetic Sequence

Challenge: Arithmetic Sequence

Find the index of an outlier in an arithmetic sequence.


This task requires you to find the index of the first outlier in a given array. All numbers in an array are in an arithmetic sequence except one.

Write a program that uses an array and finds the index of the first outlier and stores it to the variable idx. The array is guaranteed to have at least 55 elements and the first two elements will be in the required arithmetic sequence. The value of the idx should be 1−1 if the array has no outlier, and should be 00 if the array length is less than 55.

Sample input 1

array1 = [5,8,11,13,17]

The resulting value 1

index = 3

Expected output 1

The outlier value is at the index: 3

Sample input 2

array1 = [1,6,11,16,20]

The resulting value 2

index = 4

Expected output 2

The outlier value is at the index: 4

Sample input 3

array1 = [1,6,11]

The resulting value 3

index = 0

Expected output 3

The outlier value cannot be found.

Sample input 4

array1 = [2,4,6,8,10]

The resulting value 4

index = -1

Expected output 4

There is no outlier in the array.

How to test your program

When you click the “Test” button of the code widget, you get two options as explained below:

  • Show Results: It shows the sample inputs and their respective results in comparison with the expected output. The actual output is the outlier index calculated to display the results. The word “Succeeded” in the last column indicates that the calculated output matches the expected output. For example, if array1 is [5,8,11,13,17] and the idx is 3, then the last column shows “Succeeded”. Similarly, if array1 is [2,4,6,8,10] and the idx is -1, then the last column shows “Succeeded”.

  • Show Console: It shows the output from the print() statements used in your code. You may use this to verify your calculations on the basis of sample test inputs. For example, if array1 is [5,8,11,13,17], then the output on the console should be The outlier value is at the index: 3.. Similarly, if array1 is [2,4,6,8,10], then the output on the console should be There is no outlier in the array..

Press + to interact
# Assume that the following variable is already defined:
# array1
# You are required to use the above variables to find
# the index of the first outlier in the array.
# You may start your code from here to store the correct result in
# the variable index
idx = 1