

Challenge: Anagram Problem

Challenge: Anagram Problem

Check whether two strings are anagrams of each other.


Write a function that accepts two strings as parameters and checks whether these strings are anagrams of each other. An anagram is a text formed by rearranging the letters of another piece of text.

The strings should not be case-sensitive, meaning that Cats and AcTs are anagrams.

The function should return 1 when the strings are anagrams and -1 otherwise.

Sample input 1

str1 = silent
str2 = Listen

The resulting return value 1


Expected output 1

The strings are anagrams.

Sample input 2

str1 = accept
str2 = expect

The resulting return value 2


Expected output 2

The strings are not anagrams.

How to test your program

When you click the “Test” button of the code widget, you get two options, as explained below:

  • Show Results: It shows the sample inputs and their respective results in comparison with the expected output. The actual output is the calculated return value after comparing the strings to display the results. The word “Succeeded” in the last column indicates that the calculated output matches the expected output. For example, if str1 and str2 are silent and Listen, respectively, and the return value of the function is 1, then the last column shows “Succeeded”. Similarly, if str1 and str2 are accept and expect, respectively, and the return value of the function is -1, then the last column again shows “Succeeded”.

  • Show Console: It shows the output from the print() statements used in your code. You may use this to verify your calculations on the basis of sample test inputs. For example, if str1 and str2 are silent and Listen, respectively, then the output on the console should be The strings are anagrams.. Similarly, if str1 and str2 are accept and expect, respectively, then the output on the console should be The strings are not anagrams..

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def checkAnagram(str1,str2)
num = 0
# Write you code here
return num